Your Road Map to English Excellence Comprehensive Courses

The Canadian Institute offers specially designed course programs at various levels to enhance our students' speaking skills starting from 5th grade of middle school to the end of 12th grade of high school.

Approaches to Learning in TCI Language Courses

  • Inward Language Acquisition
  • Listening and Speaking Oriented
  • Communication-Based Approach
  • Storytelling and Visual Expression
  • Games and Activities
  • Small Group Discussions
  • Arts and Creativity Activities
  • Simulation of Natural Language Environment (Life & Survival Skill Workshops)


Our English courses follow a structured academic calendar, outlining key dates and milestones throughout the program. This calendar typically includes start and end dates for each course. It provides students with a clear timeline for their studies, helping them to stay organized and plan their learning effectively. Additionally, the academic calendar may highlight any holidays or breaks that affect the course Schedule.

Middle School Students

At our institute, we have four specialized courses equipped with specially designed programs aimed not only at middle school students understanding what they read and hear but also at turning them into individuals who can speak effectively.

  • A1+, A2, A2+, B1
  • 4 Months
  • 6 Hours per week
  • 96 Hours
Kanada Enstitüsü

High School Students

At our institute, we have four specialized courses equipped with specially designed programs aimed at academically preparing high school students for future international exams and turning them into fluent English speakers.

  • A2, B1, B1+, B2
  • 4 Months
  • 6 Hours per week
  • 96 Hours
Kanada Enstitüsü

Canadian Institute English Language Levels



At the A1 level of proficiency, individuals can comprehend spoken communication if delivered slowly and distinctly, allowing time for understanding. This applies to everyday topics. They possess the ability to recognize common basic words, phrases, names, and shared international vocabulary pertaining to themselves, their family, and immediate environment They can also follow carefully and slowly presented instructions and short, simple directions. Readers at the A1 level possess the ability to understand very short and simple texts by focusing on one phrase at a time. They can identify familiar names, words, and basic phrases although this might require repeated reading. Extracting basic information from simple greetings, messages, advertisements, web pages, timetables, and catalogues is feasible. While they can comprehend short descriptions about people and follow simple instructions, misunderstandings can still arise.


Listeners operating at the A2 level can understand straightforward information and queries about personal aspects such as family, homes, work, and hobbies. Clear and deliberate speech is required for proper comprehension. This group can also grasp short and basic conversations that contain frequently used words, phrases, names, and shared vocabulary. Furthermore, they are capable of understanding brief and routine telephone conversations and messages. Those with an A2 proficiency can understand short and basic texts that incorporate frequently used words, phrases, names, and shared vocabulary. They are capable of comprehending short emails and letters from acquaintances and colleagues, locating specific details in straightforward materials like advertisements and brochures. Furthermore, they can grasp the main points in simple directions pertaining to familiar individuals, places, and objects


For those with an A2+ proficiency, understanding key information in short messages and narratives is achievable, particularly if the content pertains to current, past, or future facts. They also have the ability to follow TV news headlines and documentaries, school discussions that are presented in a clear and deliberate manner using standard language. Even when speakers address broader audiences on familiar subjects, these individuals can understand using succinct and simple sentences. At the A2+ level, readers can understand short and simple texts, picking out specific information presented in everyday language found in sources like ads, leaflets, menus, and timetables. Their comprehension extends to multi-step directions and some academic terminology when presented within context. During reading, they can discern the main ideas and details of most simple texts and understand key elements in longer, more intricate passages.


Listeners demonstrating a B1 proficiency can comprehend factual information concerning common topics, everyday situations, and school-related matters. Clear enunciation is essential for their understanding. Furthermore, they can grasp the main points of clear and standard speech on familiar matters that are regularly encountered in daily life. This includes short narratives. Their strength lies in understanding speech that predominantly employs high-frequency everyday vocabulary. Additionally, they can interpret basic technical instructions and directions at school.Proficient readers at the B1 level can capture the principal points of straightforward factual texts linked to personal and professional interests. Their understanding is strongest when these texts employ high-frequency everyday vocabulary. This group can also comprehend descriptions of events, emotions, and desires in personal letters, and are capable of understanding the main aspects of concise newspaper articles on familiar topics. Simplified versions of novels and short stories with clear structures are also within their grasp.


Individuals with a B1+ proficiency level have the capability to comprehend standard spoken language, whether in live situations or through broadcasts. This applies to both familiar and unfamiliar subjects encountered in personal, social, academic, or vocational contexts. They can effectively take notes during listening activities and extract crucial information from phone conversations on familiar topics. Readers demonstrating a B1+ proficiency can understand the meaning of intricate academic terms and expressions, as well as complex sentence structures, across various contexts. Their understanding extends to classroom discussions, presentations, and detailed instructions, allowing them to capture nuanced meanings. When reading, they are capable of comprehending the content of grade-level appropriate literary and informational texts, including implicit meanings.


Individuals with B2 proficiency level can understand the main ideas of complex text on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions in his/her field of specialization, can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible without strain for either party, can produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects and explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options. They can participate in meetings in your area of expertise, if you have help understanding some points, can discuss gender issues as they relate to perceptions of rudeness and cultural norms, can talk about your personal finances and give advice to friends and colleagues about their finances, can talk about your personal and professional lifestyle, including a description of your life at work, can explain your education, experience, strengths and weaknesses, and discuss your career path, can talk about mental processes and how you can use them to improve your effectiveness on the job, can talk about what you like to read and make recommendations about good things to read, can use appropriate language in social situations, including praising and expressing sympathy, can discuss leadership qualities and talk about leaders whom you admire, can deal with relatively complex awkward situations that arise in social and business contexts, can discuss common political situations and the behaviour of politicians.
English Level

How can I determine my language proficiency level?

You can take the free written and oral proficiency test offered by the Canadian Institute before registering for the course. This ensures that you continue your learning at the correct level.

The Canadian Institute offers general English language courses tailored to every language level and individual need for middle school and high school students. At the end of each course, which provides you with 96 hours of instruction, you will reach the next language proficiency level. Our classes are held in the evenings after school or on Saturdays and Sundays, and can be conveniently integrated with your school schedule.

Course Programs for Middle and High School Students

Summer School 2024 (for Middle and High School Students)



How can I contact you?

You can apply for the free written and oral exam and also obtain more information by filling out the form below. Upon completing the form, our teachers will contact you to make the necessary arrangements for your written and oral assessment.
